€ 0,00
Become a foundation builder
Become a foundation builder
Secure the foundation of soil management and biodiversity at Aarde-Werk de Stegge
€ 225,00
Prijs per stuk

Become one of the 200 “foundation builders”, that will join Aarde-Werk de Stegge for 5 years with a yearly donation of “225€” (symbolically 75sqm. of the terrein à 3€ per year)You are making it possible that 75 of the 15000 sqm. of Aarde-Werk de Stegge gain on fertility, healthy soil, biodiversity and soil quality.
Volunteers are going to monitor:

  • The soil quality
  • The wild flora
  • The wild fauna
As a foundation builder you make this possible.
Foundation Aarde-Werk de Stegge has an ANBI-status, which enables you to deduct your donation from income tax.


We organiseren regelmatig workshops waarin je zelf tincturen en zalven leert maken. Kijk voor de actuele aanbod op de site van Aarde-Werk 'de Stegge'.

100% Biologisch

Aarde-Werk de Stegge is biologisch gecertificeerd, ons aansluitnummer bij Skal is NL-BIO-01-24356.

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